Monday, December 5, 2011


Matt, Shelby, Anna, and I spent the previous weekend in ROME!
It's the last trip I'll take before heading home in 12 days!
I'd been to Rome once before, the summer after my junior year of high school, when I was 16 years old. I spent three weeks studying in Italy and we spent just one single day in Rome.
It was crazy to go back, especially because I, completely by accident, packed the same shirt I'd worn in Rome four years ago! Time for a new wardrobe?

July 2008

December 2011


We created a note on my iPod and added to it the entire weekend as went. Here is said note, completely unedited:

-bought Milka in the airport to break 100
-went 104 mph on the highway in the cab of death
-spoke Spanish, French, and German instead of Italian
-played with Melissa the dog during dinner

-got lost, cried and got given chocolate and tissues by random restaurant hostess
-said "fuck it" to food intolerances

-gave Matt and Anna all the wine and biscotti

-put nutella on all the things
-got swindled by Romans on the Spanish Steps

-morning gelato at Trevi Fountain


-pizza in Piazza Navona

-it's not going to rain
-coat on or coat off?
-gave Shelby a heart attack
-knocked over all the things
-St Peter Basilica and surprise Vatican with all the things!

-finally got to the Sistine Chapel... and took illegal pictures...

-spent 10 euro on fruit
-walked around in the dark because it was 4:30
-went to that one restaurant after all
-didn't fillet our own fish
*Note: there WOULD be a picture here of an entire fish on my plate, but unfortunately my camera died so Matt is currently in possession of the proper documentation*
-got the best gelato in the world
-kicked the snoring hostel roommate

-made friends with girls at our hostel from Vienna!
-Santa Maria Maggiore

-got confused by the opera block of metal... with palm trees

-got poured on in the Colosseum

-saw Annas history nerd come to life

-had a perfectly normal, crying free lunch

-outsmarted the shiver
-contemplated buying a tomato bag and filling it with sundried tomatoes

-made Shelby buy her own present
-went into our fourth leather store
-had to prove that we had already eaten lunch at a restaurant after they tried to get us to eat there again... How could they forget us?
-held all the hands

-sat on the Spanish Steps with Hubert

-asked our bodies to forgive us for all the cheese

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Americans speaking German in France

God help me, I'm going to try to condense everything, but I'm just warning you all in advance that this is going to be LONG WINDED.

Last week was like a vacation IN VIENNA. My friend Steve from Madrid was in town for the week and played parent. We went out to eat a bunch and I showed him around the city! He even took Emily and I out to DELICIOUS (read: expensive) fish at the Naschkmarkt with the friend he was staying with here, Lisa. It was so great! They're both accomplished artists and had lots of interesting things to talk about.
Steve and I also visited the Albertina museum together. Get this, he has pieces of work there! They're not on display, BUT STILL.
It was unbelievable to visit a museum with an artist. He pointed out things I never would have noticed and also could give background information on artists and paintings that I never would have known! It was also so great to watch his reactions and enthusiasm.
There was a special, HUGE Magritte exhibit going on which was AWESOME. Some of the stuff I found to be a little too modern for my taste, but on the whole I loved it.

After the museum we went over to the art school and I was able to sit in on a little lecture Steve was doing about his own artwork! IT WAS SO AWESOME! I got to hang out with Austrian art students and get a real in-depth look into the amazing work Steve does. It was really right up my alley! Steve works with bold colors and straight lines, NEVER USING TAPE! He only uses tape when he does wall paintings, which are also extremely cool. Over the course of his visit here he'd been taking pictures of grates and fences and I finally understood why. Hopefully I can buy one of his works when I get back to the states!

After my week of delicious art and breathtaking food, (or was it the other way around?), I PACKED MY BAGS AND HEADED TO PARIS FOR THE WEEKEND!!!!!!!

I could literally spend hours writing about all the wonderful things we did and saw there, but I'll keep it short and sweet for everyone's sake.
Our travel crew was me, Emily, Belle, Ilana, Matt, and Josey. We stayed in a 6 person room in the "Woodstock" hostel where we got fresh croissants every morning for breakfast. We went nonstop from 7am to midnight every single day. The weather was PERFECT, blue skies and sunshine.

French places we visited:

-Eiffel Tower: We went to the top at night and it was GORGEOUS, but fucking cold as shit!

-D'orsay and L'Orangerie museums: Here we saw ALL THE ART, including Monet's "Lilies" and a buttload of Picasso and Van Gogh!


-St Chapelle: This is a little chapel that is pretty much 75% stained-glass. It was quite a sight! Sarkozy said we couldn't get in for free though. Boo.

-The graveyard: We saw Jim Morrison's grave, Rossini, Edith Piaf, Poulenc, Chopin, and the place where Oscar Wilde WOULD be if it weren't under renovation (Sarcozy said no again).

-Sacré-Cœur Basilica: THIS CHURCH WAS SO BEAUTIFUL! We went at like 9am when the morning mist was still clearing away and it was amazing. Inside the church is so serene, it really was a holy place. I think it may have effected me even more than Notre Dame. We walked the 300 steps up to the top of the dome for a 360 degree panoramic view of the city. It was almost better than the Eiffel tower because it was daytime and we could see the tower in our view! We also visited the crypt which was equally as cool, but in different ways.

-Moulin Rouge and Chat Noir: Just sketchy gentleman's clubs. Only American tourists are excited by them.

-Arc de Triomphe: We walked all the way from the arc down the Champs-Élysées back to San Michele which is the big square by the Latin quarter next to Notre Dame! Too cool.

-Shakespeare and Co: This famous little bookstore had eclectic reads and nifty tote bags.

-THE ANASTASIA BRIDGE!: I don't remember the name of the bridge, but it's where the climax of the Warner Bros movie takes place and therefore of utmost importance.

We also went on a close to four hour walking tour on the first day that really showed us the ENTIRE city and gave us a lay of the land.

French things we ate:
-French fries
-Quiche Lorraine
-Croque Madame
-Camembert sandwiches
*Note: Matt had the French version of goulash.

Silly things we did:
-Spoke to people in German
-Spoke to people in French and German at the same time
-Spoke to people in English
-Blamed Sarkozy for our obstacles
-Didn't bundle up enough
-Played "Pretty face, ugly face" in front of the Eiffel tower
-Were entertained by aquariums in restaurants
-Got Ilana drunk
-Put too much dijon mustard on things

We got back at midnight on Monday with sad soles but happy souls. GET IT?! (Our feet hurt).
I definitely left a piece of my heart there. I tried to write French answers on my German test on Tuesday. No.
But it feels great to be back in Wien where I belong! We have our second concert tomorrow and I'm doing a Schumann duet with Liya which I think is going to be really beautiful. AND THEN SATURDAY MY FAM FAM COMES TO VISIT FOR A WEEK.

Overall, life ain't too shabby. In fact, I feel like the luckiest girl in the world.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

I begin and end this post talking about Dexter...

With the help of Dexter, lying on my face, tea, and Apotheke magic, I managed to beat my cold in less than five days!
I did have to pass through that phase of it where my ears we completely clogged so I was shouting all day long, (but really, what else is new?), and where I was powering through tissues like they were going out of style. But now I'm all better! And just in time for another great weekend!

Things I did this weekend:
We decided to dress up for once and be classy and all that jazz.

It's not so bad because I always take off my shoes anyways when we're watching the show so heels or no heels, I'm set. The show was Barber of Seville, which I love, and it was extremely well done. Definitely one of my favorites I've seen so far here (it was number seven!). It did seem like it was "take your amateur to the opera" night and our favorite usher was pushed to the brink of muttering "kindergarten" under her breath. It was intense. It was also my return to KEBAP after being away in Madrid and then sick. We charged Pasha and ate ALL of the kebap.

(we finished the spit)

I did NOT want to get up and drag myself to school at 11am on a Saturday morning for an hour and a half of music. But man, oh man, am I glad I did! Everyone was great, but EMILY WATKINS WHOA. I had heard this girl was talented, but I started tearing up even before she started, her stage presence was so intense and connected. Best way to start off a Saturday if you ask me!

Matt made ridiculously amazing vegetable soup and grilled cheese for me. I love him.

We went to this MASSIVE graveyard and saw all these famous composer's graves! The most notable for me were Beethoven, Schubert, and Brahms. I had chills, especially at Brahms' grave. We played Brahms requiem on Matt's ipod to set the mood, duh.

After the graveyard we went to our favorite Heuriger, Peter Wolff (YES, I KNOW!), and spent a wonderful couple hours eating, drinking, and just enjoying being there. We squeezed seven people into a four person booth as an old man sat across from us at a table made for ten and drank coffee and read a paper. He was there before us and left after us. Oh, to be an old man who doesn't give two shits about anything.

On the first Sunday of every month some of the museums in Vienna are free. Emily and I met up and visited Beethoven's house and Haydn's house. Beethoven wrote Fidelio in that house which was cool because I saw that opera so recently! We got to see original manuscripts and read about their lives. I learned things I never knew! Haydn's home was particularly interesting because we may or may not have been standing in the very room in which he died! Freaky deaky.
There was also a room devoted to Brahms there because he loved Haydn so much and we KNOW how I feel about Brahms.
Emily and I also had a great conversation with the woman running the gift shop about music and what we're doing here in Vienna. Yay for using my German skills!

(CRAZY Beethoven eyes)

I got invited by Julia and Leo for veggie lasagna. I am a moocher.

I don't wanna talk about it.

Overall, it was a low-key, but absolutely wonderful weekend. I also threw in a little yoga in between the other wonderful things, just to keep my sanity. YOGA IS GREAT. THAT IS ALL.
The weather has been GORGEOUS! It's the perfect fall weather, mid to high 50s, sunny, and the leaves are orange and yellow and falling all around us.
The Christmas markets are also starting to set up which is blowing my mind. I can't even process it. This is not real life.

Next week should be interesting, I have a fair amount of music to be preparing for performance workshop as well as for my voice lesson. I also have the first draft of our 10-15 page term paper for music history due on Wednesday, but by some MIRACLE I am actually DONE! I just have to do a few editing/revising things and then I think I'll be good to go.
Maybe the Austrians and all their order and organization is having an influence on my work ethic? I have no idea how this happened because it feels like I spend all my free time watching Dexter or running all over the city. Somehow I have enough time for all of this?

Then Friday we head to PARIS for a long weekend! As excited as I am, I can't help but already miss my city. Ich liebe Wien.